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Drawing From Your Imagination
October 21, 2008

I am so fortunate to have my 3 year old grand-daughter living nearby. We share a close bond because we get to play together 2 days per week.

By play, I don't mean any type of game that you buy. No, we make up all of our games. We sit on a cardboard box together and she places her little arm around my waist, as we jog along on an imaginary bus ride. I point out all the countryside that is passing us by, and I exclaim - "Look at the cows!" And as she turns her head, she doesn't see the wall that's really there, she delights in seeing the cows that I'm pointing to, instead.

When was the last time that you had an opportunity to play directly from your imagination? Was it when you were a child?

We all lose touch with this creative side as we merge into adulthood. Responsibilities take over and we have to "grow up."

Well, I am here to tell you that you can recapture your creativity simply by taking up drawing as a hobby.

Your childhood creativity is lying dormant within you, just waiting for you to rekindle it.

Drawing will make you realize you have discovered something far more precious than any material possessions.

I hope you find that drawing and sketching will give you a new lease of life, that it lights a fire within you and you find out who you really are. Who did you leave behind when you had to grow up?

It is deep thinking, but this is what the action of drawing can deliver to you.

What's New at

Oops, where did this month go? I had every intention of creating new drawing pages but something must have happened! It's lucky I'm the boss of me otherwise I'd be in trouble.

Tip of the Month

If you have a large portion of a drawing that needs shading, use a 4B pencil (it's soft and dark) and do large strokes.

Shading can be a bit like scribbling but you can control it more by doing irregular strokes of varying lengths.

Try adding pressure to your pencil to make darker bits.

Remember, to make something look lighter, you only need to have something darker next to it.

Thank you,, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this issue.

You can simply reply to this email if you have any news that you'd like to share with me.

Please take care,


"Drawing is one of the best ways to meditate, while staying connected to the world around us." - Elsha Leventis

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