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[Drawing] Imperfections March 11, 2015 |
Hi How is your drawing adventure going? These days, it's a big deal just finding time to draw, isn't it?
CorrespondenceThank you for your messages, I always love hearing from you!The tip of the month in the last newsletter was about how to remove tricky bits in a drawing without ruining surrounding pencil marks. JJ wrote in to remind me that you can buy an eraser template that's the size of a business card, for less than a dollar. Thanks for your email, JJ, I always appreciate being able to share all of the options available to us. Julie wrote to tell me about a website called Issuu. It has lots of books about art and drawing that are free to browse through and read. Julie said it takes a bit of hunting to find them but just use the search bar at the top to type in the exact topic you're looking for (e.g. "pencil drawing") and you should have some success. Thanks for your email, Julie, I love finding out about useful websites so I can pass it along. Drawing Tip of the MonthWhen you draw, you have the chance to change what you create first time around. Keep the faith that you can work it out and make tiny adjustments here and there by playing with lines until you hit upon an idea that totally changes the appearance.Just by taking action, your inspiration kicks in and every drawing will be a discovery. We are pioneers so let's get to it and make a difference! Handy LinksFind some good online drawing books that I bought to help me learn, practice and improve. They all have a money-back guarantee which is fantastic because you may not necessarily like the same books as me.If you have any drawing questions, please visit the frequently asked questions page to find the answers. Drawing is a very economical hobby - see the few basic supplies needed to get started. Are we connected on Facebook yet? Please join me, I'd love your company! , thanks very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this issue. How To Sketch book Kindle books "The thing that is really hard yet really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." - Anna Quindlen. |
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