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[Drawing] Do or Do Not?
May 21, 2010

I hope this email finds you well and happy.

This month, as I continued to read through art books, I became more aware of how often a sentence starts with "Do not ..." The biggie seems to be "Do not draw from photos."


First of all, if you draw for your own pleasure, feel free to ignore every single "Do not ...".

Personally, I am proud of some of my drawings that I have copied from photos. I make my own variations and I love the fact that I can leave out anything I don't like (or looks too hard to draw!).

I know the advice is given with good intentions, it's to do with not being able to see your subject properly because a photo is only 2 dimensional.

I just don't want you to feel as though you are doing the wrong thing if you rely on photos or pictures for your drawing resources.

Here are some "Do Not's" that I LIKE to read:

  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Do not worry what people think - ever!
  • Do not try to be perfect.
  • Do not be a harsh self-critic.

I'm going to throw in these "Do's":
  • Do make your own rules.
  • Do please yourself what you draw and how you draw it.
  • Do draw in ignorance - it's still fun!

Who cares if you don't understand perspective, or if you don't add light and shade in your drawings? If you like your drawing that is all that counts.

The more I learn, the more I realize that most of my drawings are imperfect but I am still proud of them and I love them.

Drawing is our hobby, it is freedom of expression. Allow yourself to experience the joys of drawing and while you're doing that, you're learning all the time!

Tip of the Month

When you need to draw vertical lines (up and down), try turning your paper so you can draw in the lines horizontally.

Notice that your lines become more accurate because you are drawing with the flow of your wrist -- no more awkwardness!

If you are teaching yourself to draw, there is a variety of digital books available online that might suit you. Check out this simple list of book reviews.

If you have any questions about drawing, find your answers on the frequently asked questions page.

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To find out what's new on the site, the Drawings Blog gives you access to the last 20 pages to be added.

, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this issue.

Until next month,

Have many happy creative days!


"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks and then starting on the first one. " ~ Mark Twain

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